QnACategory: QuestionsHow long does the will remain valid?
AvatarJatin Mehra asked 7 months ago
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1 Answers
Saajan Singh AwalSaajan Singh Awal Staff answered 7 months ago
The Will, alone is not bound to time but the subjects of the will are.

Hence, it is possible to contest a Will within a timeframe of 12 years following the individual's date of death. In the case of Jamnadas vs Naveen Thakral and Ors (2007), the Supreme Court determined that if there are valid reasons why some parties were unaware of the existence of a will for an extended period, the 12-year time restriction may be relaxed by the Civil judge. This is to ensure that the principles of natural justice are upheld. The current time frame for contesting a will is 12 years, starting from either the day the will was made public or the date when it became reasonably known that the will existed.